
“Never Put a Period Where God Puts a Comma”     Gracie Allen

Selected Sermons
by Kate Hutson

Compassionate Community
February 15th, 2009
Pastor Kate discusses the first few chapters of Mark. These chapters are brought to life by comparing Jesus’ attitude towards the “unclean” (as defined in biblical times) with our attitude towards the poor and the handicapped. The challenge of following Jesus’ humility towards the “unclean” is discussed. The writings of Jim Winkler, a Christian social activist, are discussed as well.

Do I Have a “Good for You!” God?
November 16th, 2009
In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents. In the parable, a Master who is going away for a while entrusts his servants with money. Two of the servants use the money wisely, for the benefit of the Master. The third servant, out of fear, misses the chance to make the most of what he is given.

Pastor Kate discusses the relevance of this parable to our lives. She discusses how we take risks in the name of God, how we must overcome our own fears and reservations in doing so, and the rewards that God has for us when we do. The writings of John Dominic Crossan are included, which shed light on the Greek word parousia (Greek: παρουσια) which means the coming of the Lord.