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“Never Put a Period Where God Puts a Comma” Gracie Allen
Our Extravagant Welcome
We welcome everyone – brown, black, pink, striped, rich or poor, old or young, gay or straight, cool or nerd . . . whatever.
UCC’s Vision:
What Would Jesus Do?
Like Jesus, our vision is to love God with everything we have and love all people as we love ourselves (The “Ourselves” is cool, too.)
Or, as Anne Lamotte says, “Love people and don’t be a jerk” (although she didn’t say “jerk,” if you get my drift.)
Our Values:
Our Goals:
To Grow in knowing and sharing how much God loves us AS WE ARE and as what we may BECOME
We welcome differences in theology, and those who have none
We invite freedom of thought
We value reason and scientific discovery
We know that what we believe is seen in what we do, not what we say
About Our Pastor
United Congregational Church members voted June 13, 2010, to call Kate Hutson as their new pastor. The church has supported Kate in her 18-month-long program of preparation for licensed ministry with the United Church of Christ. The North Texas Association of the UCC has examined and approved Kate’s licensure for ministry, and the church’s call will now make it official.
I am grateful to God and to the faithful members at UCC for their investment in my licensing and their loving support of me through this process,” Kate said. “I look forward to serving them and the community as we continue to follow the example of Jesus in loving our all-welcoming God in worship and in actively loving our neighbors as ourselves.”